I am Professor of Cyber Security and Head of the IoT and Security (ISEC) Centre at the University of Greenwich, with particular interest in applied and data-driven cyber security and Internet of Things applications. I am the project coordinator of the 2.4M GBP EPSRC CHAI project on cyber hygiene for AI systems in domestic life, and of the 2.9M Euro H2020 EUNOMIA project on information trustworthiness in social media. Previously, I was UoG P.I. for the EPSRC CHIST-ERA COCOON project, coordinating work in emotion-aware cyber threat detection in smart homes, the EU H2020 TRILLION project on the secure collaboration of citizens and law enforcement agencies via social networks; and overall coordinator for the GSIKE Blockchain-enhanced "Secure Hajj and Umrah" project, working on decentralised authentication for IoT services for pilgrims. I am on the editorial board of BCS's The Computer Journal - Section D: Security in Computer Systems and Networks and Elsevier's Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, as well as founding member of the IEEE working group on Internet of Things and Cultural Heritage. I have a MEng from NTUA and a PhD from Imperial College under Prof. Gelenbe, followed by postdoctoral research for the development of cyber and physical security technologies, funded by BAE Systems, Selex, BT, FP7 and EPSRC. Before joining the University of Greenwich, I headed LTN's security sector, a not-for-profit organisation that identified commercial applications for UK academic technologies and promoted Industry-Academia collaboration.That's my academic genealogy tree: